Become a Pilot Partner and contribute to the project

The SICTEC project consortium appreciates and encourages involvement of individual researchers, companies or other EU project teams to explore single cell applications within the SICTEC platform. Any third party is offered open access to the single cell manipulation technology under development upon proposing scientific experiments or single cell applications which can be carried out within the SICTEC platform. Companies, institutions or individuals interested to become such “Pilot Partners” can submit their application for participation to the Project Manager Applications by e-mail.

Just send an informal inquiry or click on following link to download instructions for filing a SICTEC Application Table. The template of the SICTEC application table helps you to described the experiment you would like to propose. Please fill it in and enclose it to your e-mail inquiry. 

The interaction with the project team can take place in many ways:

  • Pilot Partners might just suggest some experiment that could be performed by the SICTEC team or describe a function they would find helpful to be implemented into the SICTEC platform
  • The SICTEC team might also perform experiments for a Pilot Partner with cells and substrates provided by the Partner according to the experimental plan described within a SICTEC table
  • It is also possible that Pilot Partners might borrow a prototype of the single cell mainpulation system for a periode of time to test the technology in their labs and to perform experiments on their own.

Please send uns your inquiry and we will do our best to make your participation in this exciting project a success! If you need help or would like to discuss the content and scientific scope of your experiment and the support you might need from the project team just send an e-mail to the project Manager Applications.